Friday, November 13, 2009

Can an African American newborn look like this? If both parent are African American is this possible for it to look like this at the begining of birth? I'm African American to just curious. When would the hair start to change? Thank you

Can an African American newborn look like this?

i am no expert, but i do know that many black babies are whitish/peach or chalky when born, and the skin darkens gradually. the hair curls tighten as well.

keep in mind that the majority of african americans have some degree of caucasian blood, so this may be a factor too. whatever the case, it's a neat phenomenon to see the xenotype expressed characteristics alter over time.

Can an African American newborn look like this?

I've heard that it can take a bit for the skin to turn dark.

Can an African American newborn look like this?

Yes. It's all genetics. Depends on the parents pigmentation, but a lot of babies are born lighter than they will be....may change may not. There is no sure fire way of knowing.

Can an African American newborn look like this?

Yes, you darken and hair curls with age.

Can an African American newborn look like this?


Can an African American newborn look like this?

yes, it's possible. A few of my friends who are both dark skinned and light skinned were born looking practically white.. but they darken up in the first months

Can an African American newborn look like this?

yeah i have that calendar anne geddes? right?

Can an African American newborn look like this?

Many years ago I was at the birth of my then-best friend's firstborn son, and he was pretty light-skinned when he was born. His beautiful mocha skin deepened as he grew older, and his hair changed as well.

Can an African American newborn look like this?

African american babies look like that for only a little while.

They will change into their different skin color in a few hours to a few days.

don't worry, this is a common mishap that people find serious.

Can an African American newborn look like this?

Most start out looking "white", but darken as the pigment in their skin matures. Not sure about the hair thing though.

Can an African American newborn look like this?

Most babies look white at birth due to the no sun exposure thing. Within a month an African American baby will look darker. As for hair I know it falls out and regrows so maybe is is born with the soft straight hair too.

Can an African American newborn look like this?

If you both have caucasian in your ansestry, it may show up in a baby, blue eyes, straight hair, fair skin, who knows.

I am white and I was born with black straight hair, but by two it was dark dirty blond and curly. So changes can happen, but generally during the first year.

Can an African American newborn look like this?

yup it's possible! if there was 1 white person in your family line, you child could come out white %26amp; always be. very very very rare but it is possible. I'm white so don't know when African hair changes.

Can an African American newborn look like this?

I have seen two african american parents give birth to a child that could easily be mistaken as 100% caucasian. I have also seen 2 Caucasian parents give birth to a child that looks as if it could be half african american. Its all about genetics, and color pigmentation.

Can an African American newborn look like this?

I looked like that when I was born so,yes.

Can an African American newborn look like this?

Yes. I am african american and my husband is dark nigerian. Our baby had that skin tone with pink lips. She darkened after a couple of months to a caramel brown.

Can an African American newborn look like this?

so cute it sould start change when the baby turns one

Can an African American newborn look like this?

yes, and some african american babies are born with lighter and paler skin than that, all of my children had very light skin at birth and very thin hair, but after 1 month old their skin started to darken and their hair fell out at 4 months old and grew back longer and thicker. Old wives tale is that if you look at the color of the babies ears, it usually tells how dark the baby's skin is going to get.

Can an African American newborn look like this?

I guess so. How else would you expect one to look like?

If by the hair you mean "curly", they probably gelled it or wet it down for the picture. Or maybe that is just what his/her hair is like.

Can an African American newborn look like this?

It is more that possible for a person to

be100% of the African-American (AA)

ETHNIC group (i.e. born of two parents

who are members of the AA ETHNIC

group) -- AND YET -- ALSO -- be

of a 100% continually-Mixed-Race

lineage (meaning they can be bi-racial,

tri-racial, etc.) WITH THE RESULTING


In fact, more than 70% of the people born to two AA

parents have an ancestral lineage that includes

+25% European and +20-30% Amerindian.

A surprisingly high number of full-AAs are not even

mono-racially 'Black' at all -- but rather, are in fact

of 'Casco', 'Griffe', 'Mulatto', 'Metis', etc. lineage.

It should also be kept in mind that --- the largely

(+70%) Multi-Racially 'Mixed' ETHNIC group

currently labeled as African-American (AA)

--- IS NOT the same people grouping as the

Mono-Racially 'Black' RACE group that

is known as Black-American (BA).

Perhaps the information found in the links that

are listed below would be of even more interest:

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