It started about 3 or 4 years ago in my late 20s. It was basically confined only to my head and it was only a few gray hairs here and there. Which was no problem at first. Now, I have gray hairs sprouting up everyhwere and in the weirdest places at times. Over the last couple of months I've noticed gray hairs sprouting out on top of my wrist, my eyelashes, my eyebrows, down the back of my neck, my chest, the top part of my back just below my shoulders, and without getting too graphic, I've spotted a few below the belt in a weird spot. Back when it was confined to one area like my head, at first I was self conscious and didn't go out with friends alot. Then I go used to it. Now I'm very self-conscious again. Would like to know from anyone [all advice given will be greatly appreciated] if there's anything I can do to stop the spread of this gray hair. Thanks in advance.
I'm a 32yo african-american male. How do I stop gray hairs from spreading %26amp; popping up all over my body?
the only thing you can do is join the AARP and accept the fact you are getting older.....
I'm a 32yo african-american male. How do I stop gray hairs from spreading %26amp; popping up all over my body?
my grandma is black and indian and she made me pluck every single one (shes like 50 something)
they come back but theyre down for the day
I'm a 32yo african-american male. How do I stop gray hairs from spreading %26amp; popping up all over my body?
pluck them out
I'm a 32yo african-american male. How do I stop gray hairs from spreading %26amp; popping up all over my body?
You're 32 years, it started in your late 20s, so it just means you aging. You're male, so that just means you're hairy.
The only thing you can do is try waxing. You're gonna get gray hair, its part of the aging process. But if you don't want it "sprouting up" you can either shave, wax or pluck. Personally I think a smooth body is kinda sexy so on a guy so I'd say waxing. There is definitely no reason to stop going out or to feel ashamed, be thankful that you are alive and aging.
I'm a 32yo african-american male. How do I stop gray hairs from spreading %26amp; popping up all over my body?
invest in a time machine! Not much ya can do!
I'm a 32yo african-american male. How do I stop gray hairs from spreading %26amp; popping up all over my body?
Unless you have lots of time to find every grey hair on your body and dye it there isn't much that you can do. Grey hair is hereditary so you can thank your father. But worry not, lots of women find mature looking men very attractive. I,myself am 22 and have seen men that have greys and found them very attractive. Besides, you shouldn't focus so much on your looks,as it is a waste of time and only gets you down. As long as you practice good hygeine and keep up with your appearances you shouldnt worry. Focus more on your personality and what you have to offer.
I'm a 32yo african-american male. How do I stop gray hairs from spreading %26amp; popping up all over my body?
I started to notice what I thought were gray hairs in my late twenties. By the time I was 35 I was snow white and remain that way till today at 59. I don't think race has a thing to do with it, I'm white and have known a Hopi Indian who was the same way as I am. None of the guys "hair dyes" seem to do more then turn my hair green so I don't use them. I have grown a beard and own a very good Santa outfit. I charge a pretty good amount for playing him too.
I'm a 32yo african-american male. How do I stop gray hairs from spreading %26amp; popping up all over my body?
If you pluck them they can grow back double- the hair follicle can split. Short of shaving your head or dyeing your hair there is little you can do...
I'm a 32yo african-american male. How do I stop gray hairs from spreading %26amp; popping up all over my body?
sweetie , unless you plan on becoming a hermit, accept that you are graying prematurely, don't be ashamed of them wear them proudly, not everyone is lucky enough to have that gorgeous silver hair!
I'm a 32yo african-american male. How do I stop gray hairs from spreading %26amp; popping up all over my body?
honey, it's TIME for hair color ..........
I'm a 32yo african-american male. How do I stop gray hairs from spreading %26amp; popping up all over my body?
try just for men
I'm a 32yo african-american male. How do I stop gray hairs from spreading %26amp; popping up all over my body?
i mean just accept it you are age`n it`s a oartof life you should be happy you made it to see gray hairs on your body lol
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