Friday, November 13, 2009

Why are whites more diverse than African-Americans or Asians in features?

Whites can have blonde, brown, red, and black hair, with differing nose shapes, different eye shapes and other facial features. Different head shapes.

African-Americans have homogeneous hair and eye color with similar facial features, similar nose and mouth shape, and similar head shape.

Asians too have have homogeneous hair and eye color with similar facial features, similar nose and mouth, and eye shapes, and similar head shape.

Why are whites more diverse?

Why are whites more diverse than African-Americans or Asians in features?

That seems like a pretty narrow-minded assumption. Did it ever occur to you that there are variances you are just not aware of?

Why are whites more diverse than African-Americans or Asians in features?

What are you saying? All black people look the same?

Why are whites more diverse than African-Americans or Asians in features?

different continents have different shapes. whites are like that so that they can adapt to the cold weather. it depends on the enviroment as well

Why are whites more diverse than African-Americans or Asians in features?

because blacks just come from africa and the islands and asians from asia and white people come from europe america and australia and other places also

Why are whites more diverse than African-Americans or Asians in features?

asians and blacks all have diffrent eye colors and so do blacks, their hair might be simalar inthe thickness; but they all have diffrent shapes in eyes and facial features,like all humans ;we all have diffrent dna and thats what makes all living being diffrent,,,,,,,,,

Why are whites more diverse than African-Americans or Asians in features?

I think you're grossly understimating the many variations in appearance and features of Asian and African people. They can have different skin tones, eye shapes, nose shapes, heights, body shapes, etc. - just like Caucasians. The one thing that does not vary as much is hair color.

Interestingly, I read an anthropological article by a Chinese student studying in the USA. Someone in the class was referred to as "that red headed girl", and he had no idea what it meant. He had never grown up categorizing people by their hair color (with good reason) and even when provided with the chance to do it, still didn't. He simply never learned to categorize people in that way, but with over a billion Chinese people, trust me - there are physical differences in appearance between them.

What Caucasians do have is more expression of recessive genes - brown eyes are always gonna win in the zygote showdown. But as a partial answer to your question (after dismissing your question as facile) - Europe, despite being so small, has a great amount of cultural diversity. This is because it is criss-crossed by mountains and rivers that served to isolate populations throughout history. This led to many small enclaves to develop independently.

To be sure, when talking about areas as massive as all of Africa or Asia, there geographical barriers and different ethnic groups - they're just that much larger.

Why are whites more diverse than African-Americans or Asians in features?

There are a theory, sexual selection. But example 5,000 years ago most of the population of the actual Germany were dark. But a mutation, blond hair appeared and ancient men liked more the women with blond hair than the dark haired. But recently anthropologists discovered that the first blonde person in the world had appeared in China. But in the Far East they dislike this feature. And the few blonds had disappeared.

Why are whites more diverse than African-Americans or Asians in features?

This whole entire notion of other races being "homogenous" is absolutely ridiculous. Maybe to your limited scope of reality, but as you may not know, other races have their variably different facial features that are not necessarily depicted by hair or eye colours. Just because "white people" have multiple colours of hair as well as eyes, doesn't mean Asians or blacks don't have different styles of hair to them. They may have different features and styles to themselves that you simply can't tell. For example, there are differences between the Chinese, Japanese and Korean population that only orientals are able to distinguish. However, to the rest of the world, they all look homogenous. Sometimes, different ethnic groups can be categorized by the gap between their eyes, the shape of their noses and etc, not just confined to their apparent styles and colour of hair and facial features.

That means whites are no more variably different than Asians or blacks, although it may appear this way in the western pop culture where caucasians are the ruling class of mass media and education.

Consequently, it begins to breed stupid ***** like you.

Why are whites more diverse than African-Americans or Asians in features?

Their gene pool has been circulated globally more that the african or asian genomes.

they tended to stay in their general locations while the europeans explored the entire globe, populizing it as they went along

Why are whites more diverse than African-Americans or Asians in features?

They aren't more diverse. Physical anthropologists, who actually study this kind of thing instead of coming up with lists of their own, note that Asian populations actually have the most diversity. This is especially true regarding dentition, but it's applicable all over.

Why are whites more diverse than African-Americans or Asians in features?

. Other than the range in eye color and hair color, whites are not more diverse. The range in hair color is due to the loss over time due to millennia in the northern latitudes of the strength of the melatonin genes. When skin color lightened due to the reduced sunlight, a variability in strength of the pigmentation of hair crept in, as the two are closely linked. Eye color may have been influenced in the same way.

. As far as other features is concerned, whites are a little less variable than other populations. Africans vary from the very thin lipped people of Ethiopia to the very thick lipped people of the Ivory Coast. Nose sizes vary in a similar way. If you have been around Asians much at all, you develop enough sensitivity to variations to say, that person looks Korean, or that person looks Thai, or this other person looks Chinese, or that one looks Filipino. Rest assured that people in China can readily distinguish Mandarin from Cantonese from Mongolian.

. When you are accustomed to a group, you readily see the differences between individuals in that group. If you have had relatively little contact with a group, you focus on those similarities which mark them as members of an unfamiliar group, rather than the variations which distinguish them as individuals within that group.

Why are whites more diverse than African-Americans or Asians in features?

The short answer is that most whites, at least here in the U.S., are ethnically mixed. (Two or more, often physically distinguishable, ethnic ancestries that are still within the white race.) The other two groups tend to be more racially and ethnically homogeneous.

(Also keep in mind that there are Caucasoid Asians, in addition to Mongoloid Asians.)

Why are whites more diverse than African-Americans or Asians in features?'s not true...

Your statement refers to "Race based face theory" where those from a certain race are able to spot/distinguish those of their respective race easier than those from other races. Asians can distinguish other Asians, Africans other Africans and so forth.

I used to think that too about Whites looking more diverse...and I'm black! But I grew up in an all white town. I actually don't look like the typical Black American...which is simply due to the fact that I am not. Besides what about people like Nicole Richie?

She is Black

Why are whites more diverse than African-Americans or Asians in features?

I think when you look at someone of a different race, an Asian for example, you might see the almond eyes, the black hair, the flat face, etc. and concentrating only on those features, of course they all look alike. I may have thought the same thing once but having married a Chinese, I now find Asians to be equally diverse to whites. I think it is simply a matter of what you are used to.

Why are whites more diverse than African-Americans or Asians in features?

You are not looking closely enough

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