Friday, November 13, 2009

What are the best African American Anti-Breakage lotions/condtions?

I want to grow my hair out, but I have a hair breakage problem. What are the best African American Anti-Breakage lotions, leave in conditioners, deep conditioners?

What are the best African American Anti-Breakage lotions/condtions?

Hi. I think you have a hair breakage problem because your hair products are not properly moisturizing your hair. Also, your strands are not strong. I would suggest that if you want to grow your hair out, to minimize your heat appliance usage and combing and brushing your hair all the time. I rarely use a comb. I like to fingercomb my hair. Also you shouldnt brush or comb your hair when dry. If there's no kind of moisturizer in your hair, forget it. You'll be causing your own breakage.

You should also deep condition with heat weekly to get your strands strong. You dont have to go to the salon to do it. You can get a good deep conditioner and a hooded dome hair dryer from the beauty supply store and do it yourself. You dont want anyone knowing your business about your hair and they wont have the sufficient time to properly treat your hair gently unless youre a celebrity. The more heads they finish, the more money they have in their pocket.

Anyway, go on this website: I assume your hair is permed, but its for relaxed, natural and braid care. There are tons of information there that really works, I have personally used them and its great. Its called the crown and glory method. You should also be taking a multivitamin like One a day and you can also take a hair vitamin like GNC healthy hair skin and nails that has biotin in it. Thats good too, but be careful in taking the high dosage ones. I dont do that; I take the medium dose ones.

Also is a website showcasing relaxed haired women who've grown out their hair. Check it out. If youre a natural, go on or

Here are some websites with good products. I have used them because black hair products on the market have mineral oil and petroleum, which does nothing. Plus that, the chemicals are not too cool with me. So these have more natural ingredients in them, some of them 100% natural. Here they are: and - good shampoos/conditioners - great 100% shea butter for moisturizing hair

They're a little more expensive than the products you see at like rite aid or the beauty supply store, but they do the job. You will find deep conditioners, shampoos, curling creams, serums, leave-in conditioners, whatever you want. Oh, lastly, you should have a good leave-in conditioner that will moisturize and leave your hair soft. There are also good tips on the websites you can take and incorporate into your regimen. Happy hair growing! God bless.

What are the best African American Anti-Breakage lotions/condtions?

OK well I'm black to and i have relaxer hair for the first time and i don't have breakage i just have strands that come out two or threes well i don't really use black people products, I'm using treussme anti breakage shampoo and conditioner set ,i don't use black people cause it have to much alcohol in it,and my hair heavy and not good or i use salon quality like or i get it done at a black salon...but the best deep condition is organic root stimulator (hair maoynasne)

What are the best African American Anti-Breakage lotions/condtions?

Sorry I can't give you a better answer, seems like the national doesn't really market to African Americians.

What are the best African American Anti-Breakage lotions/condtions?

I'm Hispanic but I use black products on my hair.

The link below is what I use It makes my hair grow fast and makes it Strong and healthy I love this stuff just click back to return to your answer and questions.

I love it so much I use the conditioner and other products from the line.

I hope you found this helpful.

What are the best African American Anti-Breakage lotions/condtions?

the best remedy is to trim the ends every 4-5 weeks

What are the best African American Anti-Breakage lotions/condtions?

You could try tcb hair products. or Just For Me, or Mane 'n Tail

What are the best African American Anti-Breakage lotions/condtions?

well.....i sorta have that now since i straigthen my hair like way too much. like my limit is 3 time week but one time i did 5 time in a row in one week so it starting tobreak, but i would trim ur hair like every 4 week. a

What are the best African American Anti-Breakage lotions/condtions?

DR.MIRCLE!! He's affordable and he works really well. My sister has short hair, and her hair started to break off. So she started to use Dr. Mircle, and It's grows your hair rally fast!

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